
by Dr. John R. Christopher

Writing in Food, Yearbook of the U.S., Department of Agriculture, 1959, Dr. Oaf Michelsen of the National Institute of Health, tells us: Next to oxygen, water is the most important factor for survival of man and animals. A person can do without food for five weeks or more, but without water he can survive for only a few days.

Dr. Allen E. Banik, in the book "The Choice is Clear" gives us a listing of the nine kinds of water:

Hard Water

This is saturated with calcium, iron, magnesium, and many other inorganic minerals. All water in lakes, rivers, on the ground, in deep wells, is classified as hard water. (Many city systems take water from rivers or lakes, or reservoirs supplied with mountain water; they erroneously call their supplies "soft water" but it is soft only in comparison with water which is harder.) Practically all kinds of "bottled" water is hard water

Raw Water

This is water which has not been treated in any way. It may be hard or soft - as hard as lime water, or as soft as rain water. Raw water contains millions of viruses and bacteria, and is densely inhabited in every drop. Chemicals dumped into our rivers may cause cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Boiled Water

Boiling helps remove some of the germs, but concentrates the inorganic minerals. Other germs are carried into a fertile element for rapid and lusty propagation of germs and viruses already in the body.

Soft Water

This water is soft in comparison with water which is harder. It may contain many trace minerals and chemicals, viruses and bacteria. It is not to be confused with "softened water." Soft water may be classified as water which is harder than distilled water.

Rain Water

This has been condensed from the clouds. The first drop is distilled water. But when it falls as rain, it picks up germs, dust, smoke, minerals, lead and many other atmospheric chemicals. By the time rain water reaches the earth it is so saturated with dust and pollutants it may be yellowish in color. Water is supposed to act as an atmosphere purifier. If we had no air pollution, we would have far less pollution in our drinking water.

Snow Water

This is frozen rain. Freezing does not eliminate any germs. All snowflakes have hardened mineral deposits. Melt the cleanest snow and you will find it saturated with dirt, inorganic minerals, germs and viruses.

Filtered Water

This water has passed through a fine strainer, called a filter. Some calcium and other solid substances are kept in the filter; there is no filter made which can prevent germs from passing through its fine meshes. Each pore of the finest filter is large enough for a million viruses to seep through in a few moments. A home filter usually only picks up suspended solids and is effective for the time, maybe only for hours, until it is filled up. Then it is ineffective even for removing suspended solids, and at the same time becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

De-ionized Water

Water processed by the de-ionized method effectively removes minerals, and compares to distilled water in this respect. However, it does become a breeding ground for bacteria, pyrogenic matter and viruses. The fault in this system lies in the resin beds which can become notorious breeding grounds. Therefore it is not wise to have this possibility exist in your drinking water. Furthermore, deionization does not remove synthetic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial solvents.

Distilled Water

This is water that has first been turned into steam so that all of its impurities are left behind. Then through condensation, it is turned back into pure water. It is the only pure water - the only water free from all contamination. Distilled water may well be considered the only pure water on earth.

Water is so valuable to the entire system of the human body that it is wise to use only the Best. Use pure steam distilled water for health and well being.

I personally did not know anything about distilled water until just a few years ago. My knowledge of it came in a rather odd way. I had been sitting in a wheelchair (and occasionally up on crutches) for approximately nine months-with both arthritis and also from an accident I had been in a few years before when I had received a concussion on my skull. Build-up of a calcification condition from the former fractured area had put pressure on the brain area causing a paralyzed condition on the right side of my body. I had lost my health-food store (the original "The Herb Shop") in Orem, Utah, and was broke, so a friend offered me free rent to open another one in Salt Lake City.

Here was a ridiculous situation - a "health" doctor opening a health-food store in a wheel chair. The business started to grow slowly and one day as I sat there, a young fellow came in to do business with me and as he left he dropped a copy of "The Choice Is Clear", by Dr. Banik, saying, "I'll bet this will help you!" As I read the booklet through, I was completely sold on distilled water, so called up a company and had some delivered to me. I started using it faithfully and was out of the wheelchair in a very short time. Over the years I had helped patients leave their wheelchairs and had used the same procedure on myself that had cured them. It worked for them but not for me, until I combined my procedure with "pure" water.